Sunday 14 March 2010

Evaluation, Question Two - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Within the advanced production of the Music Video, there are a few themes and ideas which I have taken to use in my ancillary tasks of creating marketing material for the new artist. One example of a theme which I have taken directly from the Music Video is the colour scheme for my outside DVD cover and magazine advert – the idea of the red colour is present in some of the performance aspects of the video, taken from the red drum kit and the red lighting present in some places. I feel that this was a striking colour, which fit in well with the genre of music being aggressive, with red usually having connotations of danger and so on. I also used this red idea in my inside DVD cover for the track listing. Against the background, the deep red colour was bold and stood out, prominent for the audience.

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