Sunday 14 March 2010

Evaluation, Question One - Conventions, Cinematography

Another convention which we used very well within our final product of the music video is use of a variety of shots and cinematography. This keeps the music video interesting for the audience whilst making it exciting within the context of a music video. There are many examples of various shots we used; one of them I was particularly proud of was the shot in the narrative section moving through the branches, where the branches hide the action of the scene, making it very mysterious and creating a sense of the unknown. Other shots I was pleased with include some shots of the band segment which we filmed using the fig rig, where we were able to get effective close ups and flowing shots, giving the video more movement. The examples I have uploaded (one the completed music video and the other the live footage of the original band Pendulum). From these comparisons, it is clear that during the band segments of my music video has varied cinematography - the fig rig allowed us to create interesting shots of band members (such as the shots found of the guitarist and drummer in the performance segment of the video) and these were similar to some shots found of band members in the live Tarantula video.

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