Sunday 14 March 2010

Evaluation, Question Four - Technologies, Photoshop

Within this advanced portfolio, another media technology I used was Adobe Photoshop to create my album package for the ancillary tasks. There were many features of Photoshop which I was able to use and manipulate to ensure my DVD cover and magazine advert were to a sufficient and professional standard. Some of the tools I used within Photoshop included the gradient tool (to create backgrounds) along with the pen tool (to draw certain ideas as found on my magazine advert) and the mask tool (used to cut images with plain backgrounds). I also used many of the filters to add effects to images which I thought particularly successful - these include some of the cartoonise features that I used within my front cover, where on the back sleeve of the DVD I have applied this filter to images of the band members. Another smaller media technology I used within creating my promotional package was the use of a mobile phone camera, used to take images of the warning sign after copyright issues of images which I found on the internet. Using this technology also allowed me to be more creative with imagery, therefore improving my final ancillary tasks to a greater extent.

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