Sunday 14 March 2010

Evaluation, Question One - Conventions, Close Ups

The way the band is presented in a music video is very important. People who watch the music video and the target audience of the artist want to aspire to the people in the video – therefore, bands need to be represented in either a sexually attractive way or in a way that will inspire their audiences to be like them. One method of achieving this is using close ups of band members, a convention used in many music videos. In our final product, we have used this technique effectively, particularly in using close up shots of our lead singer. The lighting in these shots also helps, giving the lead singer a type of attitude and dark nature similar to that of our genre, something which our target audience would aspire to. It also links to Vernallis' theory of the "moment of pleasure", seeing the artist on screen so that people would perhaps feel sexually attracted to the band, as opposed to just liking the music.

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