Wednesday 7 October 2009

Third Filming Session

After school today, myself, James and Georgina filmed the live band segments of our Music Video. Obviously, due to the reduced number of people, we had to rethink the members of our band. Therefore, whilst Georgina arranged the music and lighting, me and James took roles as the musicians (me as a bassist and James as the drummer).

I thought it was effective just having drums and bass as our artist, reflecting our genre of Drum n Bass. I thought using a number of cameras was a good idea, as we were able to get a variety of different angles for one performance. I also enjoyed using the 'fig-rig' - whilst filming the drum kit, I was able to get interesting sweeping shots and steadicam shots, which I am looking forward to editing together later in the construction stage.

Part of our plan this afternoon was to re-film the decks sequence, but we could not do this in the end due to the absence of John. Therefore, we will have to rethink a time to film the DJ sequence.

Although I felt a majority of this afternoon's filming was successful, I feel that when we review our footage we will need to re-film some stuff. However, this is all part of the process, and happens within the industry.

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