Friday 2 October 2009

Props List

As with all Media Productions, we thought it was essential to create a props list that we could use during filming so that we would not forget any essential items needed to allow our video to work. There are two main segments to our Music Video, the performance section along with an narrative section - here are the props we thought we would need in each segment:

  • Drum Kit
  • Bass Guitar + Amp
  • Electric Guitar + Amp
  • Keyboard?
  • Microphone (for Vocalist)
  • Microphone Stand


  • Syringe
  • Drink Can
  • Lighter
  • Belt/Ribbon

Although the props in the Narrative Segment may sound extreme, this is the sort of look and feel we want to our music video - we want the video to be shocking to the audience, almost as shocking as some of the lyrics present in the song.

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