Tuesday 6 October 2009

Change of Plans

Due to many reasons, usually beyond our control, our group has made some different plans regarding filming. These reasons include rooms not being free during lesson time along with people not being able to turn up/people not being free for filming sessions. Today therefore, after discussion with our group, we have come up with this backup plan:

Wednesday 7th October 2009:
Film Live Band segment, with our group cast as the band. Use any available equipment from a music room, be sure to use a drama room so that lighting effects can be used. Costume will be: Smart black shirt with dark jeans. After we have filmed band segment, we will aim to go to another music room where we should be able to re-film the decks to make the shots better than before.

Thursday 8th October 2009:
Early finish - if we need to re-film any part from the shooting period yesterday, we will do it after school.

  • Segment set in the forest/woody area will possibly be filmed at the weekend - spend an hour or two filming parts of the narrative.

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