Wednesday 7 October 2009

Successful Second Filming Session

Today, we decided to film some of our narrative section in lesson, as it was a dull/overcast day which meant it was darker than usual. We found a suitable location round the back of the Sports Hall, which was overgrown and damp which we felt was suitable for the dark, secluded place needed for the narrative section.

In all, we got about 5 minutes of footage, but many of these were for short flashes and short segments. We were able to keep to much of our storyboards, getting close ups of syringes and the belt. However, we were able to get more interesting shots when we saw what we had to work with in our location. For example, when we arrived there we found some warning signs, which were bright yellow in colour - vibrant and bold. I was therefore able to get some interesting steadicam shots using the tripod, the handheld giving a sense of unease which is suitable to our music video.

I was also happy with a shot in which we see the two characters on the stairs as there is a lot of light behind them, meaning they are hidden in silhouette which adds to the mystery of the narrative section. Although perhaps we could have thought about location more, I feel that this morning's filming session was successful, but obviously we will need to review our footage when we upload to make a fully justified judgement.

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