Friday 2 October 2009

Initial Filming - Decks/DHM

As part of our storyboard, and to fit in with the electronic genre, we decided to add some shots of decks being played by a DJ. We had the facilities for this in the Music Department, and a member of our group (John) was experienced in using the equipment, meaning the shots would look more authentic.

Some of the shots we filmed in this session were quite interesting - we were able to get some extreme close ups at interesting angles of the equipment in use, and was able to use authentic vinyl records on the deck to add realism to the shots. However, after reviewing some of the footage, we realised that the light on the ceiling was reflecting on the surface of the records - although we do not know the full extent of what is visible on screen, when we upload the footage we will review this scene and decide whether or not to reshoot the segment, to get the best quality results for our Music Video.

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