Monday 28 September 2009

Cibomatto - Sugar Water

As part of our research into the ideas and conventions of Montage and Continuity editing, we were given a music video to analyse, ours being "Sugar Water" by the Japanese group "Cibomatto".

  • Simple shots used - one continuous shot throughout the video,
  • Follows each character through a narrative,
  • Chronological (in time order),
  • Only three real locations used (not extravagant).


  • Extravagant use of effects (reverse, split screen etc.),
  • Characters are reversed in split screen (Abstract),
  • Mirrored split screen on the right hand side,
  • Messages for the audience (for example the "You Killed Me" sign),
  • One shot but a variety of angles are used.
There are some screenshots of the video above, which show the idea of the split screen, the idea of the message showing to the audience and also the simplicity of cinematography - the mid shot being used pretty much throughout the whole video.

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