Sunday 21 February 2010

Completed Magazine Advert

Completed Inside DVD Cover

Completed Outside DVD Cover

Creating the Magazine Advert

My Magazine advert has a similar theme to that of my outside DVD cover, that being the main colour scheme being the red/orange firey look. I decided on using this type of gradient to keep the design aspect of all my promotional material the same and recognisable.

One of the main features I used on my magazine advert was the idea of having a tarantula image in the centre - to do this, I used the drawing tool, and drew 3 versions of a firey/tarantula shape. I then used the fill tool to colour each of the objects, making them stand out from one another. As this was a magazine advert for the release of the DVD, I felt that the DVD needed to be included. To do this, I used a DVD box template (similar to the one posted) and used the free transform tool to change the perspective of the outside front cover and the spine.

After analysing other such magazine adverts, the text which I included was important to creating an official looking advert. Text included the band/album name, along with release dates and reviews from relevant music media. I used a clear, bold font for these pieces of text, but also a font which was relevent to the aggressive tones of the genre.